Rohit and Harvanit Kumar Conference on the Economics of Early Childhood Education: Leveraging the Healthcare System to Impact Educational Disparities
November 18, 2018The science is clear, inequities in the language and learning environments of children age birth to three inhibit foundational brain development and disproportionately affect children living in poverty. These disparities grow exponentially through a child’s early years, negatively impacting her educational trajectory and life course outcomes. Most families interact with the healthcare system more than any other institution during their child’s formative years. Though researchers and practitioners have begun to explore the healthcare sector as an avenue to reach families during this time, its potential remains vastly underutilized.
Leveraging the Healthcare Systems to Impact Educational Disparities was an interdisciplinary conference that aimed to elevate the role of the healthcare sector, highlight current approaches, and harness its capacity to intervene early and have a lasting impact on a child’s future health and well-being. We were joined by pediatricians, intervention developers, researchers and funders for a stimulating discussion on topics including:
- What are specific ways the healthcare sector can advance parental knowledge of child development and impact educational disparities?
- What are some current programs that work through the healthcare sector and their impact?
- How case we use the science of scaling to replicate, scale, and fund evidence-based programs?
Opening Comments - Rohit and Harvanit Kumar Conference on the Economics of Early Childhood EducationUnderstanding the U.S. Healthcare System: Incentives, motivations and opportunitiesPrinciples of Implementation Science: HealthySteps as a model and case studyWhat we can learn from current approaches that leverage the healthcare system to improve child outcomesImpacts of Early Childhood on Health and Life OutcomesClosing Comments - Rohit and Harvanit Kumar Conference on the Economics of Early Childhood EducationResources
TMW Center Co-Director Dana Suskind kicks off the Rohit and Harvanit Kumar Conference on the Economics of Early Childhood Education: Leveraging the Healthcare System to Impact Educational Disparities.
Nobel Laureate James Heckman discusses “Impacts of Early Childhood on Health and Life Outcomes.”
Diane Alexander, Jocelyn Guyer, and Donna Cohen Ross discuss “Understanding the U.S. Healthcare System: Incentives, motivations and opportunities.”
Rahil Briggs and Allison Metz discuss “Principles of Implementation Science: HealthySteps as a model and case study.”
Amanda Feinstein, Perri Klass, Dayna Long, and Alan Mendelsohn discuss “What we can learn from current approaches that leverage the healthcare system to improve child outcomes” in with discussion moderated by Marc Hernandez.
TMW Center’s John List gives closing remarks at the Center’s Rohit and Harvanit Kumar Conference on the Economics of Early Childhood Education: Leveraging the Healthcare System to Impact Educational Disparities.