
Though science has identified parents and caregivers as key contributors to children’s foundational brain development, most early childhood programs focus on teaching children, rather than the adults in their lives, and most reach children after the critical early years of brain formation.

Parents and caregivers are an untapped resource with the incentive and capacity to make a significant difference. The TMW Center aims to build on this by placing parents and caregivers at the center of our work and developing a suite of interventions and multimedia campaigns to support them. All our resources are caregiver-directed, rigorously tested by stakeholders, and continuously improved by a feedback driven innovation cycle.

We are committed to making these resources available to families, educators, and providers, particularly those in underserved communities, to improve outcomes for all children.

For Parents & Caregivers

We believe parents and caregivers are an untapped resource with the incentive and capacity to make a difference in their children’s early brain development.

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For Communities & Providers

We believe in harnessing the power of communities, educators, and healthcare workers to support families with young children.

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