3Ts-Well Baby
3Ts-Well Baby is a series of videos shared during pediatric well-child visits at 1, 2, 4, and 6 months of age. The multimedia intervention was created to raise awareness about the importance of parent talk and attachment in fostering healthy brain development. First implemented in a randomized control trial in clinics across Chicago, the 3Ts-Well Baby team conducted over 2,900 clinic visits and 500 home visits to measure the effectiveness of the intervention, and initial results are promising.
Specifically, our findings reveal that caregivers significantly gained knowledge about infant brain, cognitive, and language development immediately and 4-6 weeks after the intervention. This gain in knowledge was observed in both English and Spanish speaking caregivers. Additionally, the quality of caregiver-child interactions was assessed during a short teaching task administered immediately post intervention. In English speaking participants, our findings have shown that caregivers were significantly more likely to use complex language during this teaching task. For example, they were more likely to give directions in clear unambiguous language, or use at least two different sentences or phrases to describe the task to the child. The results for Spanish speaking caregivers in this assessment are pending.