Journal Article

Talk, Read, Sing: Early Language Exposure As an Overlooked Social Determinant of Health

American Academy of Pediatrics | September 01, 2018
Danielle LoRe, MD; Peter Ladner, BA; Dana Suskind, MD


By elevating the importance of foundational brain development as a public health issue that impacts all children, pediatric trainees can help shape parent investment and work together toward preventing cognitive disparities from the start. In her Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics editorial, “Poverty’s Most Insidious Damage: The Developing Brain,” Luby eloquently places this issue in perspective: “Because the brain is the organ from which all cognition and emotion originates, healthy human brain development represents the foundation of our civilization. Accordingly, there is perhaps nothing more important that a society must do than foster and protect the brain development of our children.” By elevating “talk, read, and sing” to the top of the newborn discharge list, future pediatricians will be ensuring that healthy brain development is the standard of care for all children.