Journal Article

Using Human-Centered Design in Personalized Anticipatory Guidance: Enriching Anticipatory Guidance on Early Cognitive and Language Development

Clinical Pediatrics | October 27, 2021
Louisa Dru Brenner, BA, Risa Brudney, BS, Jason Castaneda, BS, Asher Liu, Megan E. Reyna, BA, Kristin R. Leffel, MPH, and Dana Suskind, MD


In this study, we aimed to create a novel tool to assist providers at 2 Chicago-area Federally Qualified Health Centers in giving guidance on early cognitive and language development during well-child visits. We utilized a human-centered design (HCD) process to address specific barriers to providing this guidance and create a tool shaped by the needs of providers and parents. Phase I involved collaborative prototype design; phase II involved implementation, feedback gathering, and responsive iterations of the tool; and phase III involved a collective review of the HCD process. The final version of the tool was a concise, colorful, and parent-accessible “Brain Building Guide” intended for interactive provider and parent use. It featured personalized information about parental knowledge and suggested areas for guidance. It was both satisfactory to stakeholders and efficacious in improving parental knowledge immediately post-visit and 1 month out. It should be further evaluated in a randomized controlled trial.