For Communities & Providers

Our Campaigns

We design and disseminate multimedia campaigns focused on the role parents and caregivers play in children’s foundational brain development.

Given the number of families in need, the TMW Center is committed to pursuing a variety of avenues for engagement. To further elevate the conversation around the role of parents and caregivers in fostering early brain development and to reach as many people as possible, we have created a suite of campaigns: Any Time is 3Ts Time and Building a Parent Nation. The former is a multimedia campaign built on TMW Center’s 3Ts: Tune In, Talk More, and Take Turns. The campaign’s messaging focuses on easy-to-use strategies that can be applied to everyday interactions between parents and children to enhance children’s early language environments. The latter, based on Dr. Dana Suskind’s forthcoming book Parent Nation: Unlocking Every Child’s Potential. Fulfilling Society’s Promise, leverages strategic partnerships and harnesses public awareness messaging in service of building a nation that supports parents so children can thrive.

Learn more about our Campaigns here.

It's awesome having the power of being the one that puts all this knowledge inside of my child. The most rewarding part of being involved with the TMW project is that I'm able to see all this growth. You know, I'm being the number one witness of her brain growing.
